Welcome to the syntax page. Post Java syntax you know of here:
class ClassNameIdentifier {
Using access modifiers:
public class ClassNameIdentifier {
private class ClassNameIdentifier {
protected class ClassNameIdentifier {
With inheritance:
class ClassNameIdentifier extends AnotherClass {
NOTE: A class may extend one and only one other class.[1]
Using an interface:
class ClassNameIdentifier implements SomethingInterfaceable {
Or multiple interfaces:
class ClassNameIdentifier implements ThisInterface, ThatInterface{
And a class that should not be instantiated is abstract:
abstract class ClassNameIdentifier {
A class that canot be extended:
final class ClassName {
void methodName() {
Using a primitive data type,
int methodName() {
return 0;
Returning an object,
String methodName() {
return "method return";
A public method,
public String methodName() {
return "method return";
A private method,
private String methodName() {
return "method return";
A package-private method,
protected String methodName() {
return "method return";
A method with parameters,
String greet(String userName) {
return "Hello " + userName;
static String sayHello() {
return "Hello";
Overriding a method,
public String toString() {
return "method return";
Calling a Method[]
Calling a static method of a different class,
Calling an object's method (assume it was constructed),
Printing to standard out (console),
System.out.println("insert text here"); //with line return
System.out.print("insert text here too"); //without line return
Declaring a variable (of type int
int aWholeNumber;
Initializing a variable,
String userName;
userName = "bob";
double busFare = 4.25;
Declaring an object,
Object anObject;
Constructing an object,
Object anObject = new Object();
Flow Control[]
When parts of the code are executed on certain conditions or states. Each of these constructs may be nested within one another (see Syntax#Nesting)
if(someCondition) {
//execute when true
if(someCondition) {
//execute when true
} else {
//execute when false
Multiple conditions,
if(someCondition) {
//execute only this block
//when someCondition is true
} else if(someOtherCondition) {
//execute only this block
//when someOtherCodition is true
} else {
//execute when all others are false
Better scaling multiple conditions,
char singleCharChoice;
switch(singleCharChoice) {
case 'A':
//statements if this is case
case 'B': case 'b':
//statements when either case is true
Including a default case,
char singleCharChoice;
switch(singleCharChoice) {
case 'A':
//statements if this is case
case 'B': case 'b':
//statements when either case is true
//statements when nothing else holds true
while(someCondition) {
//statements to repeat
//make sure you can get out of the loop!
When the statements need to execute at least one time,
do {
//statements to repeat
//make sure you can get out of the loop!
} while(someCondition);
When the exact number of iterations is known,
for(int i = 0; i < aKnownLimit; i++) {
do {
//statements to repeat
//make sure you can get out of the loop!
if(aSeparateCondition) {
//a conditional within a loop!
while(anotherCondition) {
//looping within a conditional within a loop!
} while(someCondition);
Package and Imports[]
To specify a class is a part of a package, the first line in a class file should have a line similar to the following,
package custom.package.path.name;
To import members from other packages, include something similar to the following,
import other.package.path.name.ClassMember;
To import all members within a package, use the character,
import java.util.*;
To import a static method
import static other.package.name.ClassName.methodName
To import an inner class
import other.package.name.ClassName.InnerClassName
External sites[]
- Java syntax [Wikipedia 1]
- Java Keywords
- ↑ Oracle. "What Is Inheritance?". Accessed 2014-10-22 14:22:29UTC
- ↑ Wikipedia contributors, "Java syntax," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Java_syntax&oldid=618807932 (accessed October 23, 2014).